• SunSiyam-Tablet

Sun Siyam Resorts

While working for 80 Days marketing agency our hotel client asked us to design and build a holiday group resort website. Our key challenge was to create a commercial website that could stand-out from the competition and inspired people to book their dream holidays directly on the website.

The problem

The group resort was made of several individual resorts. The new website had to list all of them while representing each destination. We had to create a large site map that can be easily navigated by any user. The style of the website had to be on-brand while UI elements had to be consistent and intuitive across all resorts. The content had to be inspiring while also informative and well structured.

The solution

We run website architecture and design sprints between project managers and the creative team from the initiation stage. Based on our findings we created low-fidelity wireframes while reviewing development stages with our client and creative team. Our design process went from discovery, ideation to development and refinement stage followed by usability testing.

The role

My role was to create user-centered journeys, low-fidelity and later high-fidelity prototypes (wireframes). I had to design desktop and mobile layouts including user interface (UI) elements across the website. I had to organise visual information in an inspiring and creative way while keeping users engaged with the content. The new website has increased direct bookings combined with great feedback from our client.

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