Search for flights Interface redesign, Product Design, UX research, UI Design.


Aviation – Airlines / Travel

About: Limited also known simply as Jet2, is a British low-cost leisure airline offering scheduled and charter flights from the United Kingdom. As of 2019, it is the third-largest scheduled airline in the UK, behind EasyJet and British Airways. The company also launched app where you can search for flights, make a booking and manage low fare flights.


Redesign and enhance the user experience of App – Destination and Date picker interface. Simplify user journey and make it more intuitive combined with the new on-brand look.

Type of work:

Autonomous, including short UX research session.


Deliver project within a week.



Why this App?

I have chosen App as a subject for this exercise because I had in-hand experience using the app to search and book holiday flights. I have used this app several times in the past and I have come across some features that I believe could be improved, in terms of usability – to deliver a better user experience.

Although I think the whole application deserves a design audit and can be improved, some of the areas for improvement are:

  • Overwhelming App homepage with too much unnecessary information.
  • There is no visual coherence between different elements on the page.
  • User-flows are sometimes confusing and not optimised.

Just to name a few, there are many more parts of the application that could be improved. Because of the exercise nature and time constraints, I decided to focus on the Search for flights interface on App that includes a Destination and Date Picker features. From my own assumptions, I think this is one of the most important parts of the airline application, and this is where I have encountered frustration and flaws in the app design and experience.

The Problem

As a task, I set myself a goal to pick a destination and select the flight time. In my test, I was travelling from Edinburgh to Geneva on 6 February and returning on 20 February 2021. By doing this task I realise:

  • It takes a long time to pick the destination and dates information.
  • The user-flow has taken 7 pages to complete destination and date picking.
  • When choosing a destination there was no search bar for the destination.
  • Departure dates weren’t clear, I was prompted with a blank calendar that a blank calendar without any flights showing.
  • The interface was complex and not optimised for quick search.

Quick usability-testing session

To challenge my own assumptions I wanted to see how someone else would carry out the same task. I have asked my friend – to pick a destination and date. I asked to carry out this task by explaining out loud thought process.

The results have reassured me on my earlier assumption about the user pain-points while doing the same task. Some key takeaways:

  • The user has highlighted the same frustration with destination picker.
  • Expected to see a search box for locations.
  • Choosing days weren’t clear.
  • I took time to fill up all the information.
  • Couldn’t remember which date was selected in departing while on the return page.
  • No indication of price on the date page.
  • Some key information was detached at the bottom of the page, a hand was hiding it.



Brainstorming and coming up with solution

After a quick review of the short research session I started to brainstorm ideas on how to improve the search for flights feature. I have sketched down some ideas and user-flow to simplify the process. Having done the research stage earlier helped me to narrow down ideas and work on features that needed improvement. I wanted to simplify the user journey and to minimise the number of total pages required to complete, while making the booking process more simple and quicker for users.



High fidelity Prototype

I quickly sketch some ideas on paper and moved on to implement designs with the prototyping software. If I was working with a larger product design team, I would share my ideas for the feedback and I would implement changes before moving onto the design stage.

I also have researched brand colours, typography, icons and tried to stay on brand while designing functional prototypes.


Project Overview

I enjoyed working on this project, however, if I had a chance to work with a larger team I may have a better understanding of all user-pain points and more flaws of using this application. This could lead to better design decisions.

Also, I would break down the project into the smaller task, I have overestimated complexity of the challenge that I have set for myself. I have spent more time on this project than I was anticipating. Next time I would pick a smaller feature to work on.

It would be interesting to see A/B user testing, and find what can be improved, removed or added.

In the end, I think I have answered the main problems on the flight search feature for destination and date picking. I think improved user experience, combined with the simple and more intuitive new design would lead to better user experience.

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